Wirral Carers Pack
Please find the downloadable information from the Useful Information tab on this page.
- The WIRED Carers information Pack – this provides an overview of what free services are available via the WIRED Carers Health and Wellbeing Service to support unpaid carers, this also includes a printable registration form in order for you to register with Wirral Carers Register, by registering you will be able to access a range of free services for unpaid carers in Wirral and a regular carers e newsletter that covers the latest local and national developments relating to unpaid carers and also details of any local events, activities or training.
- Carers Assessment and Direct Payments – Under the Care Act as an unpaid carer you are entitled to an assessment to determine your and support needs and to identify if you could be eligible for additional support or a direct payment to help you with your caring role. Carers Assessments look at your own needs as a carer, the needs of the person you care for can be assessed separately. Unpaid carers are entitled to a carers assessment even if the person they care for does not want an assessment or is not eligible for support. Generally, direct payments for carers are a one-off payment given to support the carer to have some time to look after their own wellbeing. For example, the payment could be used to go to the gym, or pay for driving lessons or a break away. These are sometimes called a carer direct payment or carer budget payment. They do not count as income and therefore would not affect any other benefits you might be receiving.
- Carers Allowance – Carer’s Allowance is the main benefit for carers. If you can claim this benefit, it is £81.90 a week. The amount paid is reviewed each year in April. If you receive certain other benefits, including a State Pension, you may not be able to be paid Carer’s Allowance, although it may still be worth you making a claim. Carer’s Allowance is not a means-tested benefit which means that it is not based on your income and capital (or any partner’s). However, you can only be paid Carer’s Allowance if your earnings from work are under a certain capped amount.
- Carers Leave Act – Under the Carer’s Leave Act 2023 (came into effect on 6 April 2024) anyone who is legally classed as an employee can take time off to help a dependant who needs long-term care. 2024. The right to take carer’s leave applies from the first day of work. An employee can take carer’s leave to give or arrange care for a dependant who needs long-term care. An employee’s dependants can include:
- their husband, wife, civil partner or partner
- their child
- their parent
- a person who lives in their household (not tenants, lodgers or employees
- a person who relies on them for care, such as an elderly neighbour
- The Care Act – The Care Act 2014 came into effect in April 2015 and replaced most previous laws regarding both carers and people being cared for. The Care Act outlines;
- the way in which local authorities should carry out carers’ assessments and needs assessments (for the looked after person)
- how local authorities should determine who is eligible for support
- how local authorities should charge for both residential care and community care
- if they should charge for carer support and the local authority obligations
The Care Act is mainly for adults in need of care and support, and their adult carers. There are some provisions for the transition of children in need of care and support as they move to adult services, parent carers of children in need of care and support, and some younger carers. However the main provisions for these groups are in the Children and Families Act 2014
- Carers GP checklist – The NHS England 2019 Supporting carers in general practice framework of quality markers offers GP surgeries practical ideas and best practice that have been developed in partnership with carers, primary care teams and other key stakeholders to improve the support and care of patients who are unpaid carers. Collectively, these provide a framework for improving how general practice can better identify and support carers of all ages.
In order to support unpaid carers in Wirral, WIRED have created a short summary of the questions that GP Practices are asked to consider when using the framework to ensure that patients who are unpaid carers are being effectively supported within the practice. Unpaid carers can use this summary as a checklist to gage how effectively the GP practice that they are registered with supports unpaid carers
For any more information please contact the Carers Helpline by calling us on 0151 670 0777 or email us on cws@wired.me.uk.